How to Relocate the Inline Buttons in Genesis Themes

By default, Social Rocket places the "above the content" inline buttons at the bottom of the Genesis entry header and the "below the content" inline buttons in the entry footer. If you need to change this to accommodate things like author boxes, related posts, etc., you can do so by adding a code snippet like this one to the bottom of your theme's functions.php file:

add_filter( 'social_rocket_inline_theme_locations', 'themeprefix_relocate_inline_sr_buttons_after' );
function themeprefix_relocate_inline_sr_buttons_after( $theme_locations ) {
	$theme_locations['after'] = array( array(
		'hook'     => 'genesis_entry_footer',
		'filter'   => false,
		'priority' => 8,
	) );
	return $theme_locations;
In particular, you'll want to pay attention to:
  • line 3 (before vs. after - the inline buttons before the content or the inline buttons after the content)
  • line 4 (which Genesis hook to use)
  • line 6 (the priority)

If you need help with this, please contact us and we'll be glad to assist!

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