Social Extras

Facebook Settings

Access Token: Facebook now requires an access token to retrieve share counts. (We know - we're just as annoyed as you are!) Please see our Facebook Access Token documentation for full instructions on getting a token.

Pinterest Settings

Pinterest Username: Enter your username to be tagged when someone shares your content on Pinterest. In our experience, this feature is experimental and doesn't always work when sharing, but we include it in hopes Pinterest will get its act together and use it more consistently.

Pinterest Image Fallback: If you haven't uploaded a custom Pinterest image in the Social Rocket Post Options, you can either (1) use your featured image or (2) allow the visitor to choose from all available images on the page.

(PRO) Enable Pin Image for Browser Extensions: Show your custom Pinterest images as an option if someone is pinning from a browser extension.

(PRO) Pin Image for Browser Extensions location: Choose to display your custom Pinterest image above or below the content, or to leave it hidden.

(PRO) Enable Pin Description for all images: Adds a data-pin-description attribute (your Pinterest description for that particular page/post) to all images on the page that don't have their own description.

Twitter Settings

Twitter Username: Enter your Twitter username to be mentioned when someone shares your content on Twitter, via either the Twitter share button or a Click to Tweet. This can be overridden on a per-author or per-CTT basis.

(PRO) Enable Twitter Counts: Pro users can check the box to enable Twitter counts via OpenShareCount or TwitCount. Both options require creating a free account with the service chosen in the settings before tweet counts will begin accumulating.

Yummly Settings

(PRO) Show Yummly only on certain post types: Yummly is a recipe-sharing social network, so you may want to remove the Yummly button from certain post types that don't have recipes.

(PRO) Include/exclude Yummly on certain category/tag IDs: If your recipes are only in certain categories/tags (or only NOT in certain categories/tags), you can include or exclude them here.

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